Art program highlights stories, lived experiences of people with SM
Blueprint medicines partnered with Twist Out Cancer to launch an art program that showcases what it’s like to live with systemic mastocytosis.
Blueprint medicines partnered with Twist Out Cancer to launch an art program that showcases what it’s like to live with systemic mastocytosis.
A recent study showed the standardization of screening and the use of diagnostic testing could improve ISM diagnosis rates.
A patient was diagnosed with aggressive SM due to findings from computerized tomography (CT) and contrast-enhanced PET scans.
A recent case report details a patient with mast cell leukemia (MCL), which authors state may be the rarest form of systemic mastocytosis (SM).
In a recent study, 8% of patients with unexpected KIT mutations in myeloid neoplasms also met the diagnostic criteria for SM.
In a recent case report, a patient was wrongly diagnosed with carcinoid syndrome due to the similarity of her systemic mastocytosis symptoms.
A case of patient with osteoporosis and systemic mastocytosis (SM) has highlighted the treatments available and the need for more data.
The cellular changes that occur in the liver of patients with systemic mastocytosis (SM) have been described in a recent study.
A recent report describes a patient with undiagnosed systemic mastocytosis who experienced unexpected complications during heart surgery.
In a recent study, researchers found distinct plasma protein profiles show potential to refine indolent and advanced SM diagnoses.